Well hello there. Long time, no see! Did you think I had succumbed to Mayan prophecy over here at Two Bee’s? We are still very here, and very excited it 2013. This is going to be a GREAT (yes, I'm yelling it) year! It has been a whirl-wind of a past two months. Let me recap, in a sentence, if I can, all that has been keeping us busy….
Host a Thanksgiving, Birthdays: mine and my husband’s (one day apart!), art lessons (yes, I teach private lessons on the weekends to help little ones with their skills and retain mine), waitressing (another little known fact about me…I waited tables at a local pizza place this fall on the weekends), soccer, Christmas Parties, Open Houses (Two Bee’s first open house! Whoo-hoo….a total success! more on this later…), Filling three-week’s worth of special orders from said Open House, participated as a merchant at Mantel’s and Martini’s, shopping, shopping, and more shopping, Breakfast with Santa, snow days, sick child #1, sick child #2, sick child #3, a BIG award for my husband being honored as the "Most Distinguished Principal in the Grater Kansas City Area", slumber parties, Christmas, New Years…..the list could go on and on!
And so goes life with a family of 5 people and two dogs. Crazy, Busy, Loud, Beautiful…It’s definitely a wonderful life!
So from my family to yours….
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